From: "Dr.James Broderick"<>
Date: Tue, 11 Aug 2015 21:07:02 +0100
Subject: From Dr.James Broderick
From Dr.James Broderick I expect my letter to meet you in good health a=
nd your finest mood today; my name is Dr. James Broderick, Assistant Manage=
r Ubs Investment Bank London Branch. I decided to seek a confidential co-op=
eration with you in the execution of the deal described here-under for our =
both mutual benefit and urge you to keep it a top secret because of the nat=
ure of this transaction. During the auditing of bank accounts in our bank, =
I discovered an unclaimed fund total sum of =A3 15.000,000.00 GBP (Fifteen =
Million Great British Pounds Sterlings) in an account that belongs to one o=
f our late foreign customer ( mr. Hock Miller) an American Scientist and En=
gineer who unfortunately lost his life and family in a fatal car accident. =
After going through his personal file in my bank, I discovered that he died=
without any specific heir to these funds. I gladly seek your consent to pr=
esent you as the next of kin/ heir to the deceased so that the proceeds of =
this account valued at =A3 15 Million British Pounds Sterling will be relea=
sed to you as the beneficiary, which will be shared in percentage ratio 60%=
to me and 40% to you respectively. All I request is your utmost sincere co=
-operation; trust and maximum confidentiality to achieve this project succe=
ssfully. I have carefully worked out the modalities for execution of this t=
ransaction under a legitimate arrangement to protect you from any breach of=
the law both in your country and here in England when the fund is being tr=
ansferred to your bank account. Upon your consideration and acceptance of t=
his offer, please send me the following information immediately. =
- Your Full Name, =
- Your Contact Address =
- Your direct Mobile telephone Number. =
- Your Date of Birth
So I can send your data to our bank database to appear in the bank system t=
hat you are the named next of kin /heir beneficiary of the fund, and then I=
will guide your communication with Ubs Investment Bank for the immediate r=
elease and transfer of the fund to you, I wait for your immediate reply to =
my private e-mail:, so we can commence the transaction =
immediately. =
Thanks in appreciation and anticipation of your urgent response. =
Best regards, Dr. James Broderick