From: "" <>
Reply-To: "" <>
Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2015 23:24:45 +0900 (JST)
Subject: Western Union Statement of Account
01 BP 955,308, rue Révérend Père Colineau
Zone Commerciale Ganhi, Benin Republique
Hours of Operation
Monday-Thursday: 8:00AM-6:30PM
Friday-Saturday: 9:00AM-5:00PM
 Send Money Worldwide
Congratulations to E-mail Owner,
Thank you for your patronage in using western Union Money Transfer to send money, we are so happy to have a customer like you. For using western union your details were put to the Ballot box for the ongoing 2014 to 2015 Western Union Money Transfer Middle Month Bonanza Draw. Your has been scheduled for $1,500,000.00 payment and will be sending to you via our Western Union Digital Transfer.
Your approved winning sum will be paid installment with sum of US$4,500.00 which will be sent to you in every Seven Hours (7hours) until the funds is completely paid to you, this is as a result that $4,500 is the maximum limit our Western Union payment system can send per transaction, we are legally allowed to pay you till you receive your winnings fund worth of $1,500,000.00
The Following is the Western Union Money Control Number for your First payment of $4,500: 3125850067
We advice you to track this information through Western Union Website
Sender’s first name: JOSEPH
Sender’s Last Name: MOTIGWE
MTCN Number: 312-585-0067
Note that the above has not been activated for you to pick up because your winning certificate has not been signed and attached to it as the winner. To enable us activate your daily transfer file immediately you are required to off-set the activation fee, and be informed that this charge can not be deducted from your account because it’s bonded and has been programmed till your final payment. This would be paid once and will not be requested to pay it after your transaction has been activated.
I will Send you payment information to our Western Union payment agent as soon as I hear from you with your receiver details and cellphone number, and upon the receipt of the activation fee, your programmed transaction will be activated and you will receive your first transaction of US$4,500 installments within the next 1:45minutes.
The Receiver's Information Needed from you is bellow only for the owner of this e-mail (ID) Account:
Receivers Name:
Cellphone number:
Text Question:
Immediately we receive above information and the payment, our Legal department will activate your programmed transaction to enable you receive your first installment payment of $4,500 immediately.
Please Note: this control number (3125850067) should be kept very safe and secret for your own security, to avoid someone else tempering with you funds.
We wait to receive your confirmation.
Thanks for using our service
Mr. Johnson Ube (Managing Director)
Foreign Operation & Accountant Supervisor
Diamond Bank Western Union Department (DBB)
This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. Internet communications are not secured and therefore Western Union International does not accept any legal responsibility for the contents of this message. If you have received this email in error please notify us immediately. This message contains confidential information and is intended only for the individual named. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail
Western Union Statement of Account