From: Agent Martin Kluse <>
Reply-To: Agent Martin Kluse <>
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 2015 09:25:15 +0900 (JST)
Crime Commission
Address:6A Olumeni Street
Old GRA,
Port Harcourt, RiversState
contacted you some time ago after the discovery and report contained in this
email regarding scams you may have been into or still going through from
impostors in West Africa that sends out thousands of scam emails daily looking
for foreigners to rip off imposing offices and personals here but you did not
reply or the email was not delivered, we are writing again to let you know that
those impostors and fraudsters who have been sending you scam email all have
your email and other info on their files and that is why you have been
receiving all kinds of scam email, some group of impostors caught ripping
foreigners off from a local cyber cafe in Lagos Nigeria, Cotonou Benin republic
and Accra Ghana confessed imposing Banks/Delivery Company/EFCC/IMF/FBI/Western
Union/Money gram/Diplomat Agents/ and others imposed offices around the globe
especially in West Africa and your info is with them, we were told they have
requested money after money for acquiring never existing and fake documents
from most of their victims.
Current corruption and illegal cyber crime activity mainly from Africa actually
in daily practice now literally overruns Europe, America and Asia massively. Such evil finally blocks
all efforts to create a trustworthy climate for internet Transactions. So many
people are threatened, lied unto and ripped off from their very last little money,
until they have not left anything. As recently shown on European television
with hidden camera there were entire Internet SCAM cafes in Lagos , Nigeria
where people were occupied with illegal Internet crime activities individually
or even in groups in particular betraying naive Europeans and Americans. They
even had developed in their language a wordily expression, a nickname for in
their eyes at least stupid Americans or even more stupid Europeans to ridicule
and laugh about them when they again succeeded to betray and trick some one
out. Then they found themselves complete heroes. and were dancing and laughing
about their victims in the public streets enjoying their "victory"
Once the European or American targeted victim turned the spearhead in opposite direction
notice is from the Cyber Crime Commission Department of the Economical and
Financial Crimes, the people you are dealing with and sending you all sort of
emails are all impostors operating from different part of Africa, they only
want your money and they are the same people but write you differently and that
is why you may have been receiving a lot of email daily and you are confused
because you don't know the truth, you find it very easy sending your
information to any emails claiming they have fund approved in your name and you
have not made true inquiry before you start dealing with them and as a result
your info is on the internet and that gives these fraudsters easy access to
flood your email box with scams, they are not what and never who they claim and
I don't know how long you have been dealing with them or responding to them but
you can not blame any real Bank in West Africa or any personnel here, these
impostors impose them and scam thousands of foreigners but you end up blaming
these real offices in Africa or the personals only because you don't know it
was not really them but impostors.
I ask,
have you been able to find out why you receive all kinds of emails daily
claiming it have funds for you here and there? Have you really inquired from
the right office in West Africa
to know if there is actually any true approved fund you have here? if there is
any fund awarded in your name at all? Or do you believe anybody that contacts
you and says they have fund for you? recent report from the Internet Scam
Investigation Dept revealed that 78% of internet crimes in Africa is being
carried out by jobless youths in West Africa (issue on unemployment rate in
West Africa) authorities are working hard to eradicate internet scams in West
Africa to protect the image of this continent, it was also revealed that these
fraudsters has partners working with them all over the World, so it is all over
the World.
you are advised to contact the Asset Management Corporation of Nigeria (AMCON)
to make inquiry and know if you are
among the compensated or if you have any approved fund held be it compensation
fund/contract/inheritance/winnings make your inquiry first from the Asset
Management Corporation of Nigeria (AMCON) contact Mr. Michael Uwa on the below
Mr. Michael
Management Corporation of Nigeria
Head of
Operations, AMCON, Nigeria
Floor, Murjanatu House, 1, Zambezi Crescent,
Off Aguiyi Ironsi Street,
Email by
clicking the reply for security purposes
Note: to
avoid any unnecessary delays please use your case file (ASG7154-00) when you
contact Mr. Michael Uwa head of operation AMCON
Mobile Phone:
Date of
Also you
are advised to report any email you receive that claims to have funds for you
to this office. The only office you should contact and know the truth if you
have any true fund approved here or if you are among the compensated
beneficiaries is the Asset Management Corporation of Nigeria (AMCON).
Agent Martin Kluse
Cyber Crime Commission