From: =?UTF-8?B?Ik1yLiBST0JFUlQgR1JFR09SWSBCUk9XTiI=?= <>
My Names are Mr. Robe=
rt Gregory Brown, I am a US citizen, I was born 1957, I reside here in Dent=
on, Texas United States.
My residential address is as follows. 3905 =
Waterford Way, Denton, TX, United States. God will be angry with me if i se=
e the means of you getting your fund easily and not telling you, that is wh=
at prompted me to write you this email.
I am one of those that were =
scammed in Nigeria through Bank next of King, I had paid over US$74,000 for=
the past years while in the USA, trying to get my payment all to no avail.=
And they always stopped my funds with one reason or the order after making=
payments and they asked for more payments.
So I decided to travel t=
o Washington DC with all my documents, And I was directed by the Federal Bu=
reau of Investigation (FBI) and International Monetary Fund (IMF) headquart=
ered in Washington, D. C., Directors to contact Mr. Kelvin Williams, who is=
a representative of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in Nigeria a=
nd a member of the COMMITTEE, currently in Nigeria for all outstanding next=
of king payments, Lotto, consignments, etc. So I contacted him as I was di=
rected and he explained everything to me.
He invited me to Nigeria a=
nd took me to the paying bank for the claim of my over due payment of $4.35=
0Million which has been approved by Nigeria president sign and stamp by (IM=
F) and (FBI) after much, $4.350Million was paid to me successfully. Right n=
ow I am the happiest person on earth because I have finally received my fun=
ds of (US$4.350Million) after all these years.
Moreover, Mr. Kelvin =
Williams showed me the full list of the names and information of those that=
are yet to receive their approved Next of Kin payment I saw your name and =
email as one of the victims, I don't know you, we have not meet, i don't ev=
en know if you are from America or not, all i know is that i spotted your N=
ame and said i must let you know about this, So I decided to email you now =
to know if you have received yours, and to advise you to stop dealing with =
those people, they are not with your funds, they are only making money o=
ut of you.
I advise you contact the FBI Representative Mr. Kelvin Wi=
lliams. You have to contact him by email or phone with his information belo=
w to know if he can help you receive your payment the way he do help others=
Name: Mr. Kelvin Williams Email: &n=
You really have to stop deal=
ing with those people that are contacting you and telling you that your fun=
ds is with them, it is not in anyway with them, they are only taking advant=
age of you and they will dry you up until you have nothing left.
E: The only Money I paid after I meet with FBI Representative Mr. Kelvin Wi=
lliams was just $287 for the Ownership Paper Works please take note of this=
because that was the only money I paid to him. Once again stop contacting =
those people, I advise you contact Mr. Kelvin Williams so he can help you t=
o deliver your funds instead of dealing with those lies that will be turnin=
g you around asking for different kind of money to complete your transactio=
What ever Mr. Kelvin answers you please let me know immediately s=
o I can help you talk to him. SEND YOU=E2=80=99RE REPLY TO MY PRIVATE EM=
AIL: mrrobertbrowngregory59@=
Mr. Robert Gregory Brown 3905 Waterford Way,=
Denton, TX U.S.A