Headquarters 1 (HQ1): International Monetary Fund,
700 19th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20431
Reference Code: IMFDUS3WXXX
Registered No: RBI/9011.0067/2014 .
We wish to officially congratulate you on this note for being one of the Beneficiary's electronically selected on the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Compensation programme. IMF has decided to bring to your attention that you were listed in the recent schedule for payment of outstanding Compensation programme pending since 2011-2014. According to your file record with your ID and Ref code. (IMFDUS3WXXX), your payment is categorized as: -Unpaid Mutual Compensation Benefit.
Recently on the 15th of March 2014, the INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND (IMF) Director (Mrs Christine Lagarde) met with the UNITED NATIONS Committee on Foreign Payment and the Foreign Exchange Control Department, Reserve Bank of India and World Bank of Switzerland regarding unclaimed funds which have been due for a long run. At the end of the meeting, Secretary-General of United Nations (Sir Dr. BanKi-moon) made a mandate that all unclaimed funds to be released back to the beneficiary stating that it is an unfair practice to with hold funds in Government basket for one reason or the other. We are making this publication to inform you the beneficiary that $ 1,000,000.00 (One Million US Dollars) has been awarded to your email with the above Ref. Code. I wish to formally inform you that you have successfully pass the requirements; statutory obligations, validations and satisfactory report Test conducted for all online email Users.
You are hereby advised to make direct email contact with the assigned paying bank (SunTrust Bank PLC), for electronically base online banking transfer of your winning funds to you. The bank contact details is issued below and kindly be informed that your personal Information should be sent to the bank as stated below:
1. Full Names:
2. Residential Address:
3. Direct Mobile Number:
4. Ref Code:
5. Occupation:
6. Sex:
7. Age:
9. State:
10. Country
Note that your Compensation amount is in a suspense account with the Affiliated Paying Bank. Kindly note that the Head Banking Operations Officer Dr. Allen Davis awaits your Immediate Reply. Kindly contact SunTrust Bank PLC for your payment via email:
Bank Name: SunTrust Bank PLC
Address: Atlanta, GA, United States of America
Contact: Dr. Allen Davis ( Head Banking Operations Dept ).
Telephone: +1 (347) 927-9468
Follow every guidelines and instructions from the Bank as they have the mandate to Transfer your Compensation prize amount of $ 1,000.000.00 USD awarded to you. Thank You for your understanding and your swift response will be to your utmost advantage. Reconfirm your details above for crediting.
Congratulations to you On behalf of the entire IMF Staff and SunTrust Bank PLC USA.
Yours Faithfully,
Public Service Announcer.
The International Monetary Fund
CC: Head Banking Operations Dept