We are very pleased to inform you that your identification, via a selected and pre-qualified list of individuals obtained by the Sponsor, means that you have been identified as definitely being eligible for this cash amount of $6,300,000.00.
Your payment file was forwarded by the Federal Reserve Authority and record that you are a designated recipient of a guaranteed payment of $6,300,000.00 Worldwide Publicity Award by World Bank Fund Discovery Management.
In line with this directive, it became paramount to inform you that based on the details contained in your file which was forwarded to our office shows that you are among "Category "A" which clarifies that your payment has been verified and long over-due.
Kindly reconfirm the information below for final verification's and endorsement of your payment file prior to release.
1. Your Full Name _________________
2. Your Home Address: _____________
3. Your Home Telephone___________
4. Your Mobile Phone_______________
5. Fax Number: ___________________ .
6. Your Age and Sex_______________
7. Your Occupation_________________
8. Your Alternative E-mail Address__________
9. Your Nationality___________________
We are waiting for your urgent confirmation and we want you to provide us with the above mentioned information so that we can process a release of your fund to you as you shall advice us while we advised you to please keep every information here restrict confidential until your finally receive your fund just to avoid false claim of your fund.
Thanks in advance for your anticipated co-operation.
Yours Sincerely,
Allen Laflamme
Please direct your reply to
E-mail: manage_1@rediffmail.com