Date: Wed, 08 Jul 2015 00:04:46 +0000
Subject: Appointment Info.
Thank you so much for your anticipated prompt reply; As the export manager of Chevron Petrochemicals, my colleagues and I agreed to privately supply few barrels of chemicals in order to increase our income as breadwinners. We have instructed the buyer to direct payments to our representative because receiving such payments in our account will raise eyebrow, knowing-fully-well that we are still in active services in Chevron. The amount involved is seven hundred and eighty five thousand dollars US$785,000 only, and we have agreed that you will take 30% of the total amount for your anticipated assistance, while you keep the remaining 70% for my colleagues and I.
We intend keeping you as our newly appointed representative because the forma representative made away with one million dollars after much we trusted him; however, we strongly believe that you will be genuine and straightforward with us especially now that we have private buyers to supply huge chemicals. Note that our partnership with you is purely genuine and there is no risk involved because we are licensed exporters, hence we seek your understanding to treat our transactions privately with utmost honesty, it may interest you to know that our lawyer will legalize the necessary representative authorization approval to enable you receive supply payments legally.
Kindly provide your complete personal details such as; your full name, nature of business, complete address, direct phone number, your age, and marital status. We shall officially authenticate your details as international representative to enable our buyers direct supply payments to you at ease.
Keith M. Franklin
Chevron Export Manager
British Citizen