Dear sir
I am an expert accountant and financial advisor . I am looking for one of my clients a manager for a project of sustainable investment . My client has an amount of 12 million euros, out of which the funds deposited in Bank . My client wants to work with a partner or independent companies that have projects in which they can invest these funds. My client can give you all the funds and you can manage them for 20 years . You will take the commission of 30% of these funds . You are going to invest the balance ( 70%) in the project of your choice during the 20 years of partnership. You are going to pay the interest of return of 2.5 % per year .
The process of this partnership will be conducted in three major phases.
Phase N°1
The signature of the partnership contract with the manager of the funds.
Phase N°2
The bank of the investor will establish all the necessary documents in the name of the manager of the fund so that it can receive these funds in his country without any problem and with the documents, the manager will receive the power to invest these funds in any country in the world . The responsibility of these documents will be assumed by the lawyer accredited to the bank of the investor .
Phase N°3
The transfer of funds on the bank account of the manager, and it is he himself who must choose where the funds will be transferred so that he can start his project .
The partnership agreement is available and all requirements are listed in this document.
If you are interested , please leave me your details and I'll put you in contact with my investor. You can directly contact my investor at this address:
Best regards