From: "Daniel Whitmarsh" (may be fake)
Reply-To: <>
Date: Sat, 4 Jul 2015 16:51:48 +0500
Subject: Joint Investment Proposition!
Dear Sir/Madam,
I bring you greetings; and hope that this letter comes across to you as the pleasant opportunity, which is conveyed by the enclosed message. I am in search of absolutely trust worthy individuals, with whom we can jointly invest, and solicit honorable partnerships.
I represent a client, who has very significant interests in conducting businesses, relative to investments in your country; and in whatsoever areas which you might already be acquainted with, and significantly experienced in. We are looking to initiate a properly structured and mutually beneficial business relationship with you. Below is some surface information, which we are ready to share with you, at the moment;
i. we presently posses at our disposal, the sum of six hundred million dollars ($600,000,000.00)
ii. the amount mentioned above, is presently available in one of the banks in Sydney, Australia (information on which will be disclosed to you, only after the signing of our Memorandum of Understanding)
iii. these funds are to be invested through your agency, in the purchase of facilities and assets, for the said purposes (within your country).
iv. the money (in acquired assets) will be under your investment control for five years, during which only the profit will be shared annually; 85% for the owner, and 15% for you (annually).
For security reasons, and in order to avoid unnecessary taxation, by both local and foreign financial regulatory organizations, the fund owner desires absolute confidentiality and professionalism, in the handling of this matter. More details will be furnished to you, as soon as I receive a response indicating your interest, and including your contact details, as prompted for below;
Full names:
Home / cell phone numbers:
We are in earnest anticipation of your positive response.
Respectfully yours,
Daniel Whitmarsh