From: =?UTF-8?B?Ik1zIFphaGlhIE91dHRhIEFraW0i?= <>
Assalam alaikum and May the peace of gracious Allah be with you an=
d your family, please I have a problem which I need a help from you and dec=
ided to write you for help
My names are, Ms Zahia Ouatta =
Akim; Do not be surprised! I saw your email address while browsing t=
hrough DTC Screen in my officeyesterday" I am a Store keeping officer at Gl=
obal Security FIRM Ltd. Burkina Faso. here in Burkina Faso West Africa and =
I discover a fund $8.3M CASH. it was registered as African Clothes box in o=
ur Security Company, and no one known=E2=80=99s the content of the box is c=
ash $8.3,
Which was deposited by late Libya President Muammar Gaddaf=
i, for a project/investment here as it was custom, since his sudden death h=
is family on run,. After careful investigations i found out that there is n=
o next of kin on his files and with my position in the company i am the onl=
y one aware of this situation and that the consignment contains cash money,=
in this case, I want to use you and claim the cash 8.3 million to your cou=
ntry. as his oversea business partner there in your country
Kindly C=
ontact me back for more details if you are interested in helping me receive=
the money and reconfirm to me your Telephone Number, Full Name, Home=
, Address, Age, Occupation.
Thank you in advance and May Allah bless=
Regards, Jazzack Allah Ms Zahia Ouatta Akim