From: Rebeca Attoumbe <>
Reply-To: Rebeca Attoumbe <>
Date: Thu, 2 Jul 2015 20:27:18 +0900 (JST)
Subject: From Name, Mrs Rebeca Attoumbe, Pls kindly go through this massage and get back to me
>From Name, Mrs Rebeca Attoumbe, Pls kindly go through this massage and get back to me
This is a personal email directed to you for your consideration alone, I request that it remain and be treated only you and me. I am a banker with Eco Bank here in my country Cote d'ivoire.
I have an interesting business proposal for you that will be of immense benefit between both of us. Although this may be hard to you to believe, But we stand to gain 4.2 million Euro between us in a matter of week in normal banking system .
Please grant me the benefit of doubt and help me out.This account was opened in our bank in 2005 and since 2011, no operation is performed. This account has to date in our books, a credit of Four Million Two Hundred Thousand Euro in the account. After consulting all records relating to this account, I realized that I could easily have the money if I could transfer the whole amount outside, so I am looking for an honest partner.
The owner of this account is Mr Mike Patrick, an expatriate Petrol-Technical Support Services Inc, who died following a traffic accident. No one knows to this date that this account is in exitance. This account has no other close relative.
I want you to help me transfer this money into your provided account for investment in your field. After the transfer I will offer you 40% for your help. Be sure this is a real opportunity that I offer to you.
I will need you to promise to keep whatever you learn from me between us even if you decided not to go ahead with me. I will make more details available to you on receipt of a positive relpy from you,
Yours Kindest,
Mrs. Rebeca Attoumbe,