From: Kate <>
Reply-To: Kate <>
Date: Thu, 2 Jul 2015 02:04:16 +0900
Subject: Dear Respectiful,
Dear Respectiful,
Iam Mrs kate Olsen Serria Leone married to Mr Dasil Olsen , who was the heading director
and controller of Serria
Leon diamond
and gold mining
for Twenty-Six years before he was killed during the recent political crises in the country between the ruling party and the opposition party.
During the crises, My late husband told me that some top people which the president and his loyalist believed
are backing the opposition are been targeted by the gold and diamond minining village of the ruling party and he told me in confidence about the trunk box he deposited with the sum of (US$14.5m) in a Secuity Trust
Company in Ivory Coast but declared the content as family vital document for the security of the money and he ordered me to flee from Serria Leon to Cote d_Ivoire where my
life will be safe, two days after I left the country I heard a news that my husband has been killed by the military loyal to President.
Recently,Following my ill health and the shock of my husband_s death, my Doctor told me that I may not last for the next six months due to cancer problem.The one that disturbs me most is the stroke sickness...Having known my condition I decided to donate this fund to you an honest person who will use the fund for the way Iam going to instruct herein,according to the desire of my late husband before his death.
As soon as I receive your reply I shall give you the contact of the security trust company and the contact person and also the detail of it all. I will also issue you the documents that will prove you the present beneficiary of this box. I am right now in the hospital were i am taking treatment Please understand that this transaction is very very confidential because i am known in my
Have a nice day
Yours faithfully
Mrs kate olsen