From: Mrs.Susan Patrick <>
Date: Wed, 1 Jul 2015 12:13:33 +0000
Subject: Beloved
I am Mrs. Terry Patrick, suffering from cancerous ailment. I was marriedto Sir Johnson Patrick an English shipping tycoon notable for his greatcharitable activities before his death in March 24th, 2011.When my latehusband was alive he deposited the sum of Thirty Five Million Pounds(35,000,000.00 GBP) which were derived from his vast estates andinvestment in capital market with his bank here in London and named me asthe beneficiary of this trust fund. (All records are kept with my familylawyer). Presently, this money is still with the Bank.
My Doctor told me recently, that I have limited days to live due to thecancerous problems that I have been suffering from. Though what bothers memost is the stroke that I have in addition with the Cancer. With this hardreality that has befallen me, I have decided to donate this fund to YOUand i want you to use this gift which comes from my Late husbands effortto establish a charity home for the upkeep of widows, widowers,orphans,destitute, the down-trodden, physically challenged children,barren-women and persons who prove to be genuinely handicappedfinancially. I took this decision because I do not have any child thatwill inherit this money and my husband relatives are bourgeois and verywealthy persons and I do not want my husband hard earned money to bemisused or invested into ill perceived ventures, which is the reason itook this bold decision.
I do not need any telephone Communication in this regard due to mydeteriorating health and because of the presence of my Husband relativesaround me. You can contact me through my personal email Please assure me that you will act just as I havestated Herein.
Hope to hear from you soon.Remain Blessed,Mrs. Susan Patrick