From: "Mr.Gordon Heinz" <>
Date: Tue, 23 Jun 2015 16:43:09 -0700
Subject: Hello my dear friend,
Hello my dear friend,
My full names are Gordon Heinz from New York. Am 51 years old. Am U.S
army who based in Syria for peace keeping mission. The reason why I
contacted you is to help me receive my package on my behalf from a security
company in benin. Which I want you to assist me to receive it there in your
country, because I can’t be able to receive the package here in Syria cause
of the situation here.
As military personnel, our military laws are strict which does not permit
me as a soldier to receive the package since am still in mission. So for
this reason I want you to receive the package on my behalf from the
security company, the package contained the sum of 15 KG of Gold bar,
including $1 Million U.S Dollars. As soon as you receive the package in
your country, I will come over by October 17th 2015. My mission here in
Syria will be over. I will come to visit you in your country and investment
with the money; I agree to give you 20% of everything, while I take 80%. If
you are interested to help me receive it from the security company,
please get bak to me very urgent. I will give you more details how they can
deliver it to you in your home address. I am ensuring you 100% riskfree.
Waiting to hear from you.
Yours Sincerely,
Major Gordon Heinz.