From: "Abda Hassan Muhammad " <>
Date: Fri, 22 May 2015 14:07:10 +0200
Subject: Urgent Help needed
Hello, I am a Muslim woman; and I strongly believe that strangers can be an=
gels, all I need from you is honesty, I cannot lie to any one because it is=
against my religion. I swear with the name of Allah the almighty that what=
am telling you is the truth and nothing but the truth, and please for my o=
wn security keep these matter to yourself. My names are Abda Hassan Muhamma=
d a wife to one of Gadaffi loyalist, I am writing you this email is because=
the trouble is too much for me and my kids, I was hit long ago by the bomb=
sent by Gadaffi Loyalist or NATO forces, I am hospitalized. Please no phon=
e conversation because I am being monitored, so I found Mr. Bubba Garry. He=
is a well-respected man of God and has a good job as cook in a five start =
hotel in (Tripoli) Libya, because of the trouble before the death of Gadaff=
i, he moved for his safety to Malaysia, another Asia Country. I have 7 ATM =
cards, 3 are master while 4 are visa, we use them anytime we go abroad Amer=
ica Europe Asia, and in each of the card I have over Two million dollars in=
each of them. Presently it cannot be used here for we are being monitored =
and traced. Please I want to entrust this into your care because I don't kn=
ow if we will come out of this trouble. With the help of Mr. Buba Garry I h=
ave sent out all my ATM cards out of Libya with him. It was packed sealed i=
nside a 24 Karat Custom made Gold wall clock, a birthday gift from my husba=
nd during my 45th birthday in December 2008 and it weighs 3.5kg.Presently t=
he package is with Mr. Buba, I gave him the gold wall clock to take with hi=
m and keep it until I contact him for it, I told him how precious the gift =
was to me, he is not aware of the contents inside. I want to send the wall =
clock to you, when you receive them you open up the clock and you will find=
7 ATM cards, confirm to me via email, then I will send you the pin code fo=
r each of them as soon as you have confirmed to me that you have received t=
he package. You can withdraw equivalent of $2,500 dollars from each of the =
cards from any ATM machine. Every day you can remove total of $17,500 with =
all the cards and keep $7,500 for yourself each day, I am not greedy, if yo=
u can assist me in doing this, then why wont I share with you? I will send =
you a new account where you will be paying in $10,000 dollars daily for me;=
the point is I have to remove all the funds from all my cards because sinc=
e Gadaffi is dead, the banking system might be changed/tampered. Please nob=
ody Knows about what I have just told you even Mr. Buba believes its just a=
gold clock. And he is waiting for my orders to send the package to Whereve=
r I instruct him to. If you can handle this for me, I will be so happy and =
make sure you will never forget me in life. Do get back to me so I will kno=
w if he will be contacting you or you to contact him. My Personal email is:= Thanks.