From: "Frank Morgan" (may be fake)
Reply-To: <>
Date: Tue, 19 May 2015 19:55:50 +0100
Subject: Urgent Response
Halifax Bank
Address: 2 Wilton Road,
London SW1V 1AN, United Kingdom
Payment Notification/Re-validation of Claims the sum of $50,000,000,00 usd
Please we are very sorry for our delay, As we are trying to put
somethings in other for us to ensure we get successful transfer of
Your fund.
Kindly contact the following Bank below and instruct them to
email you the online access information of your account deposit with
There Bank. Once you receive the information,
Then you ask them to direct you on whom to contact for your fund
transfer Audited payment verified/Release certificate from the
International Finance
Corporation office in Texas United State. This documents is important
for you to secure so that it will protect your fund to arrive into
your account successful without any problem from the International
Monitoring Agency and it cannot cost you much money to obtain. Once you
Obtain the documents; the Bank will equally assist you to place it in
Other for you to get successful transfer of your fund from your online
Banking account with their Bank to your personal regular Bank account
of your choice.
Please you should email the Union Credit Oversea Bank immediately with
The following information as all protocol has been observed to this effect.
Union Credit Oversea Bank
2 Brook St, London
W1S 1BQ,
United Kingdom
Its important that you communicate to them immediately to avoid funds
recalling and ensure that your account is credited immediately because
i don't think that the fund will stay much with them this time around.
Further More You are to reconfirm the following;
1 Your full name
2Your address
3 Cell phone number
4 Banking Details
5 Scan copy of valid id;
Therefore you should treat with diligent.
Confirm your receipt of this mail...
Frank Morgan
(Branch Manager)