From: "L-tbs" <>
Date: Wed, 13 May 2015 19:11:38 -0700
Subject: Re: This is my current e-mail address
Lloyds Banking Group Archives
4th floor, 33 Old Broad Street
Good day,
I wish to inform you that this letter is not a hoax mail and I urge you to=
treat it serious. I am Mrs. Edith Adams, the Finance Director of Lloyds Ba=
nking Group London.
I will be happy to execute this deal with you if you have a corporate or p=
ersonal Bank Account and if you are capable of handling issues as a TOP SE=
CRET. I therefore need a strong Assurance that you will never let me down, =
when I transfer this money to your account. Thus during one of our periodic=
auditing I discovered a dormant account with holding balance of US$ 32,000=
.000.00 { Thirty Two million US Dollars only}, The owner of this dormant ac=
count died and since his death, nobody has operated in his account because =
the account has NO BENEFICIARY attached to it.
According to our BANKING CODE OF ETHICS, this dormant fund will be confisc=
ated by law if it remains dormant for a period of [10] Ten years without an=
y claim. Banks are not always able to find out what has become of these si=
lent customers, or to know whether they should follow up on requests from p=
eople who claim to be heirs to the accounts. The main problem is that the =
customer resides abroad and, due to bank secrecy and code of conduct, the =
bank cannot publish notices in the international press to locatethe deposit=
It has happened in the past, however, such customers pass
away and their heirs can neither prove the death, nor their heir ship. Thi=
s was a frequent occurrence during the wartime periods, also now that have =
many reports of environmental hazards with many unknown casualties and the =
banks have now set up a simple, rapid resolution procedure operating to the=
ir customers' advantage.
I therefore solicit for your sincere cooperation in transferring this dorm=
ant fund to your foreign account as the foreign beneficiary of the fund to =
avoid confiscating it by our bank, this transaction will be done in a legit=
imate procedure within 6 banking days to avoid any breach of the law.
I am constrained to issue more details about this business transaction unt=
il your response is received. If you know that you will be capable to handl=
e large or small amount on trust and can to keep all matters secret and rea=
dy to take 45% of any amount I transfer to your account from the dormant ac=
count and I will take 55%, send your account information's by return mail. =
Tell me more about yourself, while I look forward to receive the above info=
I want to re-assure you that this business is risk free and you can send a=
n empty account to receive the funds, provided that the account is capable =
to receive incoming funds.
Anticipating for your positive response for more details.
Yours truly,
Mrs Edith Adams