From: Salim Ali <>
Date: Thu, 7 May 2015 17:46:26 -0700
Subject: Business Proposal
This message might meet you in utmost surprise; however, itâs just my
urgent need for foreign partner that made me to contact you for this
transaction. I am Salim Ali a banker by profession working in First
Gulf Bank in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (U.A.E) and currently
holding the post of Director Auditing and Accounting unit of the bank.
I have the opportunity transferring the left over funds, in tune of
DOLLARS of one of my bank Customers who died along with hisentire
family on 15th July, 2009 in a plane crash in Northern Iran, who had
no relationship to claim the fund and I want you to help me receive
the fund in your country. Is an opportunity for us to claim the fund
and give our lives a complete definition. Hence, I am inviting you for
a business deal where this money can be shared between two of us, in
the ratio of 50/50 percentage. If you agree to my business proposal.
Further details of the transfer will be forwarded to you as soon as i
receive your return mail, further details and information should be
forwarded to you, try to send your responds with your telephone number
so that I will call you for more clarifications.
You can contact me through this my alternative email address Have a great day,
Best Regards.
Salim Ali