From: Mrs. Hanna Dillon <>
Reply-To: Mrs. Hanna Dillon <>
Date: 05 May 2015 03:55:09 +0100
Subject: Re: Together We Can Make A Difference
My name is Hanna Dillon. At the age of 41, I was diagnosed with stage 3b breast cancer. As a mother of 2 girls, I had no idea of the changes I would go through in the years to come. At first, the diagnosis brought feelings of devastation and grief, pure sorrow. Soon after came the anger and defiance that I was in no way going to succumb to this awful disease. My children, needed me too much, and my husband wasn't about to let go either. Our fight began.
As time went on, I developed a sense of gratitude, appreciation and overwhelming love, It is from all of this love and support that I grew this "Hope" inside of me. A "Hope" to help others. I have gone through countless different cycles of chemotherapy and radiation. Seven years later after the demise of my dear husband and two lovely kids i lost in a tragic car accident, I have been battling with this deadly cancer disease which most specialist doctors have confirmed that I may not survive no
matter what, hence due to my deteriorating health condition I have decided to Willingly Donate the sum of (Five Million, Five hundred thousand Dollars) of my investment acount to charity and individual through you for the good work of the lord, and to help the motherless, less privileged and also for the assistance of the widows.
I am therefore reaching out to you, soliciting that you accept this donation from me with the same love and support and A "Hope" to help others who needs help for survival. This appeal is meant for one with a deep sense of responsibility and commitment to serving humanity. With this, we will all have the feeling of peace.
Thank you for your support and helping to help others in need.
Love and blessings
Mrs. Hanna Dillon