From: "Aba Justice, Director of International Investigation"
Reply-To: <>
Date: Sun, 3 May 2015 10:21:18 -0300
Subject: Your Attention is Needed: Claim Your USD$3,500,000.00 Million,
Attention:Claim Your USD $ 3,500,000.00 Million,
This is to officially bringing to your notice that your name is among the listed persons to be paid the sum of $3.5 Million United States Dollars each. It has been approved for release to you through ATM payment CARD.You are advise to reply with the below information immediately for claims proceedings.You are where by instructed to carefully reconfirm the following information's to us to avoid wrong payment to another persons claim your funds you are advice to reply with the below following information to us immediately to this E-mail Address:
Full Names:
Your Contact Address:
Your Nationality:
Country of Resident:
Your Occupation:
Telephone Numbers:
A scan copy of your ID:
Finally may i use this opportunity to warn you adequately that the Federal Government of Nigeria will not be held responsible for any wrong payment caused by any beneficiary's mistake or negligence therefore your maximum cooperation is now required so as to enable us discharge this great task effectively to you.
Your urgent response is highly required and you should call us immediately.
Once more,Congratulations in advance
Yours in active service,
Best Regards,
Mr.Aba Justice.
Director of International Investigation
Address: 108 GARIK ROAD,Abuja- Nigeria.
Tel: (+234-8020-8127-90
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