From: (Mr Bernard Madoff)
Date: Sun, 08 Mar 2015 14:38:44 -0700
Subject: VERY URGENT!!!
Dear Friend,
I am Bernard Madoff the founder of Wall Street Firm, Bernard L. Madoff =
investment securities LLC in 1960 and was the former chairman of NASDAQ. I =
was accuses of fraud worth over $170 billion dollars and was arrested on De=
c 11, 2008 and on March 12, 2009, I was found guilty of 11 federal crimes =
and admitted to operating the largest Ponzi Scheme in history.
Let me not go into much details. I have in my possession =20AC20 millio=
n Euro in an offshore Bank, which nobody else knows about this except my ac=
count officers because the money was deposited under serial codes. I need y=
our help, to get this money out and keep safely for me as I am sure of comi=
ng out from jail soon from my appeal. I have lost everything in life and I =
can't get close to this fund on my own, because the government have ceased =
and confiscated everything I have, and will still cease more if the find ou=
t any money or asset linking to me. I am willing to share this money equall=
y with you, if you can work with me and get this fund out from the bank. I =
need that money to start a new life as soon as i am out of prison. I will b=
e waiting for your reply any moment from now
With Kind respect
Bernard Madoff