Il nostro Ref: MR. MDU Shabane
Stiamo cercando la tua opinione in qualità di partner che lavora per il progetto stabilimento come uno della nostra dimensione affidabile in questo momento io sono costretto a rilasciare ulteriori dettagli fino a quando ricevo la vostra risposta. E per il proprio interesse personale gentilmente tornare di nuovo a noi con urgenza e in avanti per me i tuoi dati di contatto telefonico diretto per la comunicazione .Per avere maggiori dettagli e come muoversi ulteriormente pure.
cordiali saluti
M. Shab
Our Ref : MR. Mdu Shabane
After my official inquiry from the foreign trade office of the chambers of commerce & industry, I decided to contact you but I did not disclose the intention to anyone else because of the nature of the project and decided to reach you directly to solicit for your assistance and guidelines in making a business investment and transfer of US$25,000,000.00(twenty-five million) to your country within the next few days.
I work with the Department of (Agriculture. land reform& rural development) I am currently in need of a partner whose identity we can use to transfer this sum of money. But at this moment, I am constrained to issue more details about this profitable business investment until I get your response by email. The fund is presently waiting to be remitted from bank.
If you can handle this please forward to me your contact details.
Mr. Mdu. Shabane