From: "Mac Lurael Ndiwe" <>
Date: Sat, 14 Mar 2015 10:48:46 +0100
Subject: Hello
Attn: Email Victim,
We are obliged to inform you that your Email address has been in our database of scammed victims for a long time because of complains by individuals/Governmental agencies, Series of meetings have been held over the past 7months in United Nations Building in New York with secretary General of United Nations Ban Ki-moon, Heads of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (F.B.I), Homeland Security Council (H.L.S.C) International Monetary Funds (IMF),African Financial Monitoring Committee (A.F.M.C) and Cyber Crime Division.Which we came to conclusion that all the Scammed Victims in our Database must be compasated with US$5,561M Dollars.
It is obvious that you have not received your funds but we are Releasing US$5.561M for each victim been the first phase, this decision was took to ensure that all the Scammed Victims receive the part-payment. You are herby advised to Do disregard any Email you get from any impostors/offices claiming to be in possession of your Funds and forward it to this office immediately for urgent investigation. Therefore, you are required to reconfirm your information for verification and immediate processing of your payment.
Full names,Addresses,Direct telephone numbers/Fax,Your Banking Details
We shall proceed with your payment as soon as the above information are received.
Yours faithfully,
Mac Lurael Ndiwe
Director Microsoft
Payment Office
Tel: +23481-79819849