From: Charles Wesley <>
Date: Fri, 13 Mar 2015 14:51:35 -0700
Subject: Dear friend,
Dear friend,
I am sorry to encroach into your privacy in this manner,I found you listed
in the Trade Center Chambers of Commerce directory and decided to contact
you for a business opportunity. i'm Charles Wesley a private soldier in the
USA army special force and SSA (Secret Service Agent) I am In search of a
reliable international investment partnership, to invest the sum of $15.5.
million United States Dollars which was deposited by my late father in one
of the neighboring country Security Company Vault during his mission as
NATO officer in Libya.
This funds was meant for buying weapons for the late President Muammar
Gaddafi in 2011 and was acquired legitimately with the deposit documents
intact. Both my father and President Muammar Daddafi died during that war
between President Muammar Gaddafi and the rebels. However, my father told
me about this money before he embarked on that mission which took his life,
Now i want to invest this money into a profitable and lucrative business
that will be generating income in the future as i'm planning to retire from
the military service after my current mission here in Syria.
So i want to know if you are capable of handling this project for me as i
do not know what might happen next as soldier our life is always a gamble
and that is why i want to invest this money so that once i retire i know i
have an investment out there on my name to move on with my life because i'm
tired of fighting and seeing people dying everyday like flies. I will
furnish you with more details on proof of funds upon the receipt of a
favorable response from you. Please reply to my private email:
Looking forward to hear from you soon,
Charles Wesley