From: "From Miss.Grace Das" <>
Reply-To: "From Miss.Grace Das" <>
Date: Sat, 21 Feb 2015 21:03:34 +0900 (JST)
Subject: Dearest,
I am sorry to encroach into your privacy, I feel secured to give you details about myself and the reason why I want to come to your country. my names are Grace das , my father is from India why my mother is from Ivory Coast , My father is a medical Doctor in Ivory Coast why my mother worked with the oil and gas ministry, my mother was in ordinary relationship with my father ,it is the relation that produced me as their daughter; due to the relationship of my parents my mother assisted my father to gain a contract as the medical doctor to the former first lady of this country Mrs. Simon Gbagbo the wife of former president Laurant Gbagbo , I have never being to India before since my mother took me special as her only child and also since she is not Legally married to my father Dr Bikash Das whom I believed has his family in India.
During the crises that happened in my country that lead to the capture of president Gbagbo, we were in Abidjan the capital city when the solders of President elect entered my motherâs town Duekoue and killed everybody in the city because they said that the former president got 97.8% vote in Duekoue during the election so they solders said that they are the one supporting president Gbabo to remain in power, you can Google Duekoue city crises to read about the full story. But during this problem, my parents were still in Abidjan so they were not affected. So after the incident My mother and my father was trying to escape from the country to India but the airport was closed, so they decided to take the road to Ghana our neighboring country where I was schooling so that all of us will go to India, but they were killed on the way because they called me on 27th of March 2011 saying that they are on their way coming to Ghana but that is the last time I heard
from them till this moment.
Sir, why I am contacting you is because since my life I have not visited India because I was born and brought up in Ivory Coast and I attended my secondary school in Ghana, now I am in my first year in the university before I met with this tragedy of my family, why I need your help is that my mother deposited $5.8Million USD, in finance firm which my name is the next of kin, I want you to stand with me as my guardian for the fund to be transferred to your country and then you will help me to come over to continue my study in your country, please help me out I am suffering here in Ivory Coast ,
I have the contact of the finance firm where the fund is deposited, if you are willing to assist me I will give you every details and contact that will lead to easy transfer of the fund to you in your country.
Thank you for taking your time to listen to me, I will wait to hear from you.
Yours sincerely,
With love Miss. Grace