From: "Alexander - ." <>
Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2015 11:06:07 +0200
Subject: ***SPAM*** TM: Investment Venture in your country (3.4M).
Good morning and good day to you.
I am looking to work with a reputable individual/firm to engage in investm=
ent ventures in your country and perhaps with your assistance, we could sec=
ure lowered tax rates.
I am Alex Dryano a staff/member of the inner circle of Mr. Mikhail Khodork=
ovsky who was imprisoned in Russia on false charges of fraud and tax evasio=
n by the current Russian President Mr. Vladimir V. Putin.
For more details, please follow this links:
Before the arrest of Mr. Mikhail Khodorovsky, we were in the process to co=
mplete the documents for the payment of US$500 M for a contract carried out=
with Yukos Oil Company, while working on the issuance of the Approval Docu=
ments on the contract payment Mr. Mikhail Khodorkovsky was arrested which l=
ed to the suspension of the transaction.
Fortunately for us, Mr. Khodorkovsky has being released and is currently r=
euniting with family in Europe.
Now that Mr. Khodorkovsky is released, it is time to complete the US$500 M=
transaction. The initial foreign company name listed as recipient of the U=
S$500 M belongs to Mr. Khodorkovsky and with current event, this company na=
me cannot be used in other not to put the contract payment of US$500 M at r=
I ask for your help so you can stand as the foreign contractor / recipient=
of the said funds, upon recipt of your positive reply we can proceed and r=
e-profile the Approval documents with your details to secure the payment of=
US$500 M to you as recipient.
Upon receipt of your immediate response, we shall discuss the compulsory m=
odalities to see this transaction to successful conclusion. Note that you w=
ill be entitled to 20% share of the total funds as your compensation for yo=
ur assistance. I consequently request your maximum assistance and co-operat=
ion to facilitate the release of the funds to you.
In conclusion, I confirm that this transaction would be carried out under =
a legitimate arrangement without breach of the law. Please keep this transa=
ction to yourself and note that this transaction must be concluded within t=
wo weeks. If you cannot assist then I will suggest that you introduce anyon=
e you consider capable and trustworthy to work with me on this transaction.
Finally, with our contacts in Rosneft, we facilitate the sale and purchase=
of Oil & Gas products such as D2 Diesel and Mazut100 from a refinery in Ru=
ssia. If you or any of your associate is interested, do contact me for furt=
her discussions.
Anticipating your reply.