From: Mr Rowland <>
Reply-To: Mr Rowland <>
Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2015 04:27:01 +0700 (WIT)
Subject: Hello
My name is Mr. Belo and I am contacting you from West Africa for a
joint business relationship. I have access to existing funds with
approved forex for remittance into a foreign account and I need your
cooperation to utilize the funds. The first stage requires
transferring the money into your account for investment. Your role is
to first receive the funds into your account and subsequently manage
same for investment. All documents shall be provided to show that the
money is from good source. I therefore want you to work with me as a
partner. On receipt of your response, I will send you more details of
the transaction and also full information about myself.
Your quick response is being expected.. Please forward your reply to:
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