Dear Sir,
I want this letter to be secret and confidential and I want you to get back to me if you are willing to help or not so that I can know the next step to be taken. I pleaded for your emotional, financial and moral support to me and the
remaining member of my family.
I am using this internet divice to send this message to you from prison in Tripoli this is only means I can communicate with you and this was possible becasue of some of the prison wards are still loyal to me, but there do not
know what i am doing on interent. There is no phone or computer inside this prison and i am only allow to use this once a week.
I waited for 3 years before I can make this sensitive move because of security reason on this issue and since i noticed that the coast is cleared i decided to send out this message to you. As you have read on medians about my family all you saw or read was not true
but that is left for you to make a decisive on assisting me and my family.
I am Saadi Gaddafi, the third son of Late Colonel Muammar Gaddafi. I am very shocked and outraged by the vicious brutality which accompanied the murders of my father and brother. The contradictory statements issued by
the National Transitional Council, the provisional authority of the Libyan Republic(NTC) excusing these barbaric executions and the grotesque abuse of the corpses make it clear that no person affiliated with the former regime
or my family will receive a fair trial in Libya, nor will they receive justice for crimes committed against them. I was in Niger and in early September I was given leave to remain on humanitarian grounds by the authorities.
But I was extradited eairler this year and handed me over to to Libyan REQUESTS and i am presently in Prison with my senior brother and we might be killed, but we are praying to Allah for his divine intervention.
Before this "WAR" started in February 2011, my father arranged with a security company to moved huge sum of money (FOR SECURITY REASONS I WILL NOT WANT TO MENTION THE AMOUNT) which we got from sale of oil and it was
moved through a diplomatic means to a security firm. This money was kept in the security company as solid gold and it was deposited with another names which makes it very difficult to anybody to
know that the trunk boxes belongs to my family. The security firm gave my father the deposit certificate and Tag number.
Sir, I am soliciting for your assistance to enable you receive this money and keep it till I finally gain my freedom. But if I happen to die you should make sure that you find the member of my family and give the money to them.
On the receipt of your acceptance of my proposal I will send you the necessary information to enable you contact and claim the trunks boxes.
(1) How many percentage do you intend to take based on your assistance. And you should feel free to get back to me base on this.
(2) Because of security reasons i prefer all our communication should be via email and this will enhance the confidentiality of this Business.
I will inform you the next line of action as soon as I received your positive response and I urged you to make sure that you keep this email message secrete and confidential since all our family assets are been seized
and account are frozen.
I am assuring you that this business will be 100% risk free only if you adhere with my instructions and that of the security firm.
Finally for security reasons I will not speak to you on phone for the time been.
Saadi Gaddafi.