From: Tom Crist Charity Foundation <>
Reply-To: <>
Date: Tue, 2 Dec 2014 13:07:59 -0600
Subject: Ongoing Financial Donation Program===
Tom Crist Financial Poverty Elevation Platform You are receiving =
this email from Mrs Tracy Clark media assistant to Mr. Tom Crist, a retired=
and WINNER of $40 million in the Calgary Lotto, i am writing to inform you =
that =
Google in alliance with MICROSOFT submitted your "Email" upon Tom request t=
hat =
you receive a Cheque/Check for $1million. Mr, Tom Crist wishes to donate hi=
s =
entire lotto winnings in honour of his late wife, Janice Crist, who died of =
cancer two years ago. see PROOF below;
Mr. Tom Crist demonstrated his commitment towards giving by issuing a check=
for =
$1.2million to the Tom Baker Cancer Center where Janice Crist was treated b=
efore =
her death. find proof below;
Please forward your Full Names, Age, Address, Tel, Occupation and a check f=
or $1million will be issued to you.
Tom Crist
Retired CEO & Calgary Lotto Winner