From: Mrs Betty Akissi <>
Reply-To: Mrs Betty Akissi <>
Date: Sun, 18 Jan 2015 22:25:28 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: Reply
>From Mrs. Betty Akissi,
I hope you will acknowledge this mail in good faith, believing you are anhonest and trust worthy person. I believe you will not betray the confidence Iam willing to repose in you, for me to have contact you even though we've notmet or known each other before. My name is Mrs. Betty Akissi, former staff ofAir Afrique hostess a nationality Cote d'Ivoire in West Africa. I am a widowbeing that I lost my husband some year ago. My husband, late Dr. David Akissi,was a serving director of the GOLD exporting board until his death. He wasassassinated in April (2011) by the rebels following a political uprising.
Before his death, he had a deposit with a bank here in Cote d'Ivoire up to thetune of Five million Five hundred thousand United States dollars (US5,500,000.00)however,due to my bad health situation occasioned by cancer of the lungs, i wish you todo me a favor to receive this fund to a safe account in your country or anysafer place as the beneficiary so that you will invest it in a good businessventure which will be for the benefit and education of my son our only child,Johnson and he is only 17 years old, who will be coming to stay under your kindcustody after the fund is transfer to you by the bank for his education andfuture because my health is failing me.
As am writing you, I am too weak and down and am afraid that I might notsurvive my situation but God knows the best and I pray that whatever happens tome, you should take care of my son Johnson for me. I shall be going in for asurgery operations of the cancer of the lungs soon and desire this money to betransferred to your account fast. I do not wish to leave this money in the bankbecause bankers might take advantage of my son's age that is just 17 years oldand too young to handle this kind of money.
My late husband’s relatives who should have handled this situation for me arenot good type. Since my illness, they have succeeded in stealing most of mylate husband's properties except this money which they do not know about and Ido not want my only son Johnson to get involved with them because they aredangerous and greedy.
I will be submitting your name to the bank where my late husband deposited thismoney and confirm you as our family friend whom I wish this money to betransferred to. I have also mapped out 75% for my son which you will invest inyour country for him including his education to any level he desire to reach,25% for your cordial assistance.
All my hope now rest on you, I sincerely believe you will not disappoint me, Iam expecting your immediate reply so that I will know your decision and alsoknow what next to do.
Thanks and may God bless you.
Mrs Betty Akissi.