From: "Dr. Swansea Paul"<>
Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 13:10:53 +1100
Subject: Our Proposal for the New Year
Hello Dear I am Dr. Swansea Paul an Engineer with Exxon Mobil in Londonhttp=
:// I got your contact address from an associate work=
ing with the British Export Promotion Council. Before i continue, let me st=
ress that I am NOT contacting you for financial assistance. I and my collea=
gues are officials in charge of offshore remittance in this establishment. =
We are seeking your assistance to move of [GBP =A335,000,000.00] THIRTY FIV=
E MILLION POUNDS STERLING] to your account/country for further private inve=
stment. Please note that the nature of your job/business does not matter an=
d you will be better informed when I hear from you. This amount accrued fro=
m an over-invoiced contract amount for the construction of an Oil Refinery =
Sub-stations in east London in 2005 to expatriate companies. The contract w=
as originally valued for One Hundred and Twenty Seven Million Pounds Sterli=
ng (=A3127,000,000.00), but we manipulated the figure to read One Hundred a=
nd Sixty Million Pounds Sterling (=A3162,000,000.00). The extra =A335,000,0=
00.00 is what we want to move to your account for our own personal use. Thi=
s contract has been completely executed and the original contractors have b=
een paid their entire contract sum. We have agreed to remunerate you with 3=
0% because it is impossible for us to claim the amount here in London witho=
ut foreign collaboration. 10% has been mapped out for any miscellaneous exp=
enses incurred by either party during this business such as taxation in you=
r country upon arrival of the funds into your account, and 60% for my colle=
agues and myself. All modalities to move this money have been worked out. T=
his transaction is 100% risk free but requires 100 percent confidentiality.=
This is a golden opportunity, which must not be allowed to slip out of any=
careless acts and utterances. We chose you for this transaction because we=
believe that good friendship can be discovered and businesses such as this=
cannot be realized without trust. You can be rest assured that your securi=
ty has been considered before you were contacted. I will let you have the d=
etails in my next message, but in summary, the fund would be moved to you f=
rom the financial institution where it is presently deposited as soon as yo=
u agree to participate and receive this funds on our behalf. Upon the recei=
pt of this message, feel free to send to me the following to enable us star=
t the process: (1) Your Full Name (2) Complete Address (3) Telephone (4) Pr=
ofession Thanks and best regards in anticipation of your response. Best Reg=
ards, Dr. Swansea Paul Esso UK Limited, registered in England under company=
number 1589650, ExxonMobil House Ermyn Way Leatherhead Surrey, KT22 8UX . =
Tel: +447024038815 Email: