From: Karen Wright <>
Reply-To: Karen Wright <>
Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 21:21:48 +0900 (JST)
Subject: From The Hospital,
>From The Hospital,
Beloved, This letter might appear to you as a surprise but I really prayed to God to guide me choose somebody that will be a reliable honest partner, a person who has a fear of God that cannot betray my remaining bereaved family and me as I don’t even know whom to trust so I allowed God spirit to lead me.
I am Mrs Karen Wright a widow suffering from serious lung and breast cancer for the pass five years now. I inherited the sum of 5,500,000 Million US dollars, through my late husband Mr. Parker Wright and I want to give it out to Orphanages homes and Charity Organizations as a vow which I and my late husband made before the lord.
I have a house helper who is assisting me in written this mail I have given him the document of the fund and have directed him to a lawyer that will assist you to change the documents of the fund to your name to enable my bank to transfer the fund to you.Â
I may not be able to write always but my house helper Benjamin Udochia will give you the document and will direct you to the lawyer that I have appointed to him to assist you, the lawyer will do everything on your behalf to assure the success of my fund transferring to you.
This is the favour I need from you when you received the money under your control.
(1) 25% for the building of Karen Wright Foundation
(2) 10% to Benjamin Udochia as he has been here for me throughout my illness and I promised to support him in lifeÂ
(3) Give 45% for Charity organizations, such as motherless Orphanage homes etc
(4) The remaining 20% should be for you and others that you may wish to assist. If i did not here from you in few days to come then i will be looking for someone else.Â
May God Almighty give you the wisdom & understanding and a good heart to assist me for the benefit of suffering children to accomplish my wishes, if you can be sympathetic and delighted to do this work, kindly reply me as soon as possible for more details,
Remain Blessed in the Lord
Mrs Karen Wright