From: Cynthia Fulginiti <>
Reply-To: <>
Date: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 00:13:46 +0200
Dear Sir Madam,
My name is Mrs. Cynthia Fulginiti. I am a seventy eight year old woman
who is currently living in South Africa. I immigrated here from the
United States (When?) and spent most of my married life here with my
late husband. (Who?) Ten years ago, immediately after my husband?s death, I was diagnosed
with Kidney (Renal Cell) Cancer. Luckily he left everything in his
name to me. I have decided to donate what I have inherited to you for
charity purpose.
I wish to support your cause for aiding the
underprivileged and assisting the widows in the country The amount I
am donating is a total of $5,7 million. I feel much more peace of
mind donating money to support your cause than to donate the money to
my relatives who will, more than likely use it in an ungodly manner. I
would prefer to promote the good of mankind.
I don?t know if I will win my battle with cancer. I am going for an
operation tomorrow morning. At this point, it is uncertain whether I
will survive the operation.. In the event that I don?t survive it, I
would just like to wish you luck with the funds that I have deposited
into your account.
Unfortunately, I am unable to take calls at this point in time due to
the current turn of events in my life as my health has declined and I
am unable to have the privilege of privacy as my relatives are always
around me.
I would just like to confirm that my lawyer and I have adjusted my
will and now everything I have will be left to you in the event of my
death. When I am deceased, my lawyer will arrange to transfer the
funds into your account. Please find my
lawyers details below:
Full name: Barrister Mac Robert Darlington
Mr. Darling has been instructed release a total of $5,7 million upon
receiving an email from you with the reference number I have provided
Law/chamber/pz/ud/ WILL/qa5786531/gasa/0056. This guarantees that the
funds will solely be made available to you and nobody else.
I guarantee that the whole process will run smoothly as Mr. Darlington
has been making his services available to me for over 20 years.
However, I would appreciate your confidentiality in the matter until
the funds have been released into your account.
Good luck with your cause and I trust that the funds I have donated
will be well used to promote the wellbeing of others.
May the Lord bless you with health, wealth, abundance and happiness.
Best Regards,
Cynthia Fulginiti
Ronaldo Csuka
Analista de Logistica
Telefone: +55 (12) 3221 3042
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