From: Emeh Benson <>
Reply-To: Emeh Benson <>
Date: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 08:39:39 +0000 (UTC)
Dear Partner,
I got your contact while searching for a reliable and well trustedperson who can assist me to handle this deal smoothly and safely. Myname is Mr.Fred Mensah and I'm the General Manager of Access BankLimited Ghana. I hope I can trust you in what I am about to discloseto you??? I discovered an over-due and unclaimed fund of a whoppingsum of US$15.400.000.00. (Fifteen million four hundred thousand UnitedStates Dollars) and it was under a DORMANT account without anybeneficiary as an excess profits made from my head office since twoyears ago. After careful investigations I found out that there is nonext of kin to this fund and with my position in the Bank as thebranch manager I'm the only person who is aware of this situationconcerning the fund and we can engage this fund into profitable andgood investments Abroad.
Now what I want you to do is to stand as the depositor or beneficiaryof this fund and I will provide all the necessary legal documents tolegitimize the claim in your name. I will arrange everything from ourdata base system stating clearly that your are the original depositorof this fund in which I will issue you the official Deposit Receipt inyour name and prepare other legal and legitimate documents from a lawcourt stating as such that you are the main depositor of this fundwhereby you shall contact the bank directly and request for theimmediate transfer of this fund to your designated bank account inyour country.
I am willing to share this fund with you after execution at the ratioof 60%-40% and I will want you to send my own share to an accountabroad which I will be providing to you after the deal is done or Iwill come to meet you after the transfer. I will handle all expensesof obtaining all the necessary legal documentations from the GhanaHigh Court of Justice and you will contact the bank directly with themrequesting for the transfer of the fund without letting them knowabout my involvement in this deal until the fund hits your designatedbank account. The funds will be transferred to your account via bankto bank swift instant wire transfer, you will have to handle all thelegal transfer requirements from the our bank until the fund hits youraccount in your country of origin as well. Also I wish to inform youthat this transaction is 100% risk free and no problem involved duringand after the transfer of the fund to your designated bank accountbecause all the legal and legitimate documents pertaining to the fundwill be obtained from a law court.
Please get back to me immediately if you are in agreement to all Ihave conveyed to you and re-confirm to me your direct telephoneNumber, Full Names, Home Address, Age, Occupation, so that I caneffect the change of ownership of the said fund to your name and Iwill send you a copy of the change of ownership certificate along withother legal and legitimate documents which you will be using to claimthe fund from the bank as the rightful legal beneficiary and I willsend you mine in return as well. For security reasons you have to keepthis as a top-most secret and confidential within you until youreceive the fund safely. You can get back to me for more detailsconcerning this transaction.
You can contact me through my personal email address (
Thanks for your kind cooperation.
Yours faithfully,Mr.Fred Mensah.