From: Mrs.Carol Fox <>
Reply-To: <>
Date: Wed, 7 Jan 2015 22:26:10 -0800
Subject: Contact Mr.Wilson For Your Claim
National Lottery Authority
Mrs.Carol Fox
Letter Of Notification About Your Winning Claim.
Please Read this letter carefully and send all your reply to your Fiduciary Agent Mr.Micheal Wilson:
Do you know that the Treasury swallows 10BillionGBP every year from unclaimed lottery payments and winnings yearly?
When you sign up/register for an email account or make use of your email account within specific time frame, your email service provider automatically enters you for a national email lottery draw which is done every three months and winners would be notified by lotto officials or consultants such as me.
Your email has just won the sum of $5,000,000.00 in cash credited to a file in the just concluded National Lottery draw. Your e-mail address attached to: Winning numbers 30-12-17-31-33-60-88 Bonus Number. ( 71) File Number EPLY480326 . You would be provided with an online account in which the fund will be credited and then you can log on to any computer anywhere in the world and transfer the fund to your desired bank account.
If however, you have received a previous notice about any fund or winnings but you have been unable to get it for what so ever reason, please reply immediately with your name, address and phone number, so that i can process your transaction and facilitate the release of your fund to you within 72 hours.
Send your replies and details such as, Full Name 2. Address: 3.Age/Gender 4. Occupation 5.Nationality 6.Phone Number ,7. Amount Won ; to Fiduciary Agent below:
Mr.Micheal Wilson
Contact him today and make claim of your winning his email is: personal
Mrs Carol Fox( National Lottery.)