From: Husain Ali <>
Date: Tue, 6 Jan 2015 14:06:10 +0000 (UTC)
I am indeed sorry for contacting youthrough this means. However, I assure you that it is confidential and genuine.I am Husain Ali from Burkina-Faso. We all know about the current war in Libyathat have just ended  they are doing everything possible to make sure thatpeace return to Libya.
We know also that many families have lost a lot and are losing more on a dailybasis and I need your help to secure some of these funds because these arehard-earned money. There funds are proceeds of contracts executed by thefamily. Examples are BP's US$900M Libyan oil exploration contract in 2007,shares in Juventus Football Club, Eni: the Italian oil giant, and Pearson: theparent company of Penguin and Financial Times. Also some money was made frominvestments in numerous financial institutions, including Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase and the Carlyle Group.
In order to ensure that all their assets are not frozen illegally by thewestern government the depositor who died as the result of war in Libya movedsome money out through diplomatic means and deposited it in Oris Finance Institution Burkina Faso, where it was registered aspersonal effects. with the sum of (USD $37.5. Million Dollars) I need yourassistance me and put a claim on it as a foreign partner please note thatfurther details will be made available upon proper understanding and agreementthe fund have been deposited in Burkina Faso since 1998 please we can use thisopportunity and claim it I have all the useful information that can able usExecute it for mutual benefit of our both families all I need is a foreignpartner so that I will release all the vital information to execute the deal,if you follow up my directive advise the fund will be release to you within 10to 14 working days,
I shall offer you 35% of the total sum and you will also help me invest theother 65% of in any lucrative business in your country serious negations arecurrently going on for peace to return to Libya. I should be able to travelafterwards and probably meet you. I guarantee you that this venture is riskfree giving that the funds are certified clean and the services of a qualifiedSolicitor from your country will be retained if you are interested and surethat you can handle it, kindly get back to me for further details Otherwise,please delete this email and I say thanks for your time. I needs your urgentresponse if you are interested,
Yours sincerely
     Husain Ali,