From: "Mrs.Siti Rohani Salleh" <>
Date: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 02:07:23 +0200
Subject: Compliment
Dear Sir/Madam I am sorry to bug your privacy. My name is Siti Rohani Sa=
lleh, I am the wife to late Abu Talib Yadin who happens to be a government =
contractor, trader and a politician. My husband was divisional treasurer of=
trade and contractors of the Malaysian Indian Congress in Perak state. He =
was brutally murdered by opposing members of his party for his straightforw=
ardness and accountability though the government claimed that it was a robb=
ery attack but everybody know it was assassination by some people in govern=
ment. I was lucky to stand this gruesome murder on the night of Friday, 14t=
h September 2012 but they still stabbed me on my abdomen but I was lucky to=
escape. I was rush to the hospital by some neighbors and eventually the sa=
me assassin still came to the hospital in Malaysia just to take my life but=
eventually they miss their access to my ward. So I had to instruct our acc=
ount manager to transfer our money to South Africa where I had to run and s=
eek asylum/refugee. Presently I am in the government hospital. Please cop=
y link below and read more about the incident where my husband was murdered=
on 14th September 2012.
/Trader-killed-in-robbery/ I write you to seek your assistance in the sec=
urity of US$5.5million Deposited by me with a SOUTH AFRICAN RESERVE BANK be=
fore I seek refugee/asylum here. The South African reserve bank will allow =
you go on their online banking to transfer the funds. I am the only one wit=
h direct access and information of this deposit. I decided to seek help bec=
ause I have recently been diagnosed of cancer of the lungs which has spread=
and damage a lot of cells and the Doctor has confirmed to me that My days =
are numbered, having received a call from the Reserve bank that they will t=
urn the deposit to its government treasury if I fail to present a represent=
ative for the claim. I seek your assistance to be made the Administrator to=
this inheritance since I have no relative or children. I intend to introdu=
ce you to the director of the bank whom I deem very competent to guide you =
through this claim process. Please get back to me for more information on t=
his inheritance. I was lead by the Almighty to send this mail to you aft=
er serious thought of all emails I saw on the internet. Please treat this s=
eriously and I hope to hear from you soon, so that we can finalize this tra=
nsfer within 3 days, I have all documentation to back up this claim, this i=
s my email address: Thank you. Mrs.Siti Rohani=
Salleh. Reply me to: =20