From: lina kenneth <>
Date: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 23:15:45 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: Hello dear
Hello dear
I am writing you this letter inac confidence believing that you will notbetray the trust & confidence i am putting on you even through we'venot meet before. My name is Miss Lina Kenneth. Â from republic of SierraLeone, My late father was the former Sierra Leone director of minesand energy. He died in political crisis in my country, where my motherdied when i was a baby and before my Father died in hospital, Hesecretly called me before he died and told me that He deposited thesum of $9.5million us dollars in a Finance House, which he used me asthe next of kin in case of death or incapacitation.
I want you to stand as my late Father's foreign business partner inwhich this fund can be release to you and me. However I have concludedto compensate you with 30% of the total sum for your assistance aslong as you will handle the transaction in good faith and utmosttrust. Now I have decided to withdraw the deposit fund for anypossible investment only abroad hence my contacting you. Please, yourquick responds will be highly appreciated as I have concludedarrangements, also you will assist me to come over to your country tofurther my education again.
soon as I hear from you I will send to you every other requiredinformation that will enable you to have more knowledge of thisexercise, please kindly forward your full contact details to me onyour respond to enable me use it write/submit an application letter ofclaim/nomination to the finance house and introduce you as my foreignpartner or representative.
(1) Full Name,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(2) Home Address,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(3) Country,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(4) Age And Occupation,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(5) Phone Number And Fax,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
I look forward for your immediate reply through.My PRIVATE E-mailThanks and God Bless you.
Yours Faithful,Miss Lina  Kenneth