From: "Mr.Hans j Grethe" <>
Reply-To: "Mr.Hans j Grethe" <>
Date: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 00:33:09 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: Partner with me
Hello, I have contacted you because I have carried out research into a dormant account of a deceased client at the financial institute where I presently audit its accounts; here in the United Kingdom and the client has no heirs.The account has a significant amount of money in it. An account is judged to be dormant if there has been no activity in it, or contact with the client,for 15 years. Normally, account holders lose contact due to death without leaving a will and there's no known heir to inherit. The treasury department receives the unclaimed money unless a previously unknown distant relative comes and puts a claim on it; which is usually within a limited time frame. The United Kingdom’s Treasury Department receives over ?10bn every year from unclaimed estates; forgotten funds; abandoned shares and dormant accounts and some of it could be ours if we can work together as I can provide all relevant documents and information. We could present you as the next of kin to deceased, as laid out in section 46 of the Administration of Estates Act of 1925 (with subsequent amendments) if you agree to work with me.Late Rafik Bahaa Edine Hariri (November 1, 1944 - February 14, 2005),married to Nazek Audi Hariri, was a Lebanese self-made billionaire and business tycoon, and was five times Prime Minister of Lebanon(1992-1998 and 2000-2004)before his last resignation from office on October 20,2004.The late Rafik Hariri died on February 14, 2005 when explosives equivalent to around 300 kg of C4 were detonated as his motorcade drove past the Saint George Hotel in the Lebanes capital,for more information please log on to [ k_Hariri] I will need to enter into an agreement with you, which will cover the disbursement aspect of funds. Furthermore, you will have to  sign a consent form that gives the lawyer power of attorney to represent you at the probate office (for the Procurement of the Grant of Probate). The amount in question currently stands at six million seven hundred and fifty-nine thousand British Pounds Sterling only.At the closure of this transaction, 35% of the total funds will be yours,50% for me and 15% will be set aside for expenses both of us might occur during the transaction.So, if you would like to team up with me discreetly to secure these funds for ourselves, please have your full information sent to me which include,full name, address,age, occupation and contact number(s). I await your careful considered answer as when we proceed we cannot stop half way, as this is one in a life time opportunity to go big.  Regards, Mr. Hans J. Grethe.  ***************************************************************************Please consider the environment before printing this message. Warning: You should carry out your own virus check before opening any attachment. Grethe & Co Auditors UK accepts no liability for any loss or damage, which may be caused by software viruses or interception or interruption of this email. Email Confidentiality Note: The information contained in this email is private and/or privileged. This email is intended to be read or used only by the person to whom it is addressed. If the reader of this email is not the intended recipient they are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, publication orcopying of this email is prohibited. If you receive this email in error, please notify us and/or delete it. Thank you. A list of our members' names is available for inspection at our Registered Office. We use the word partner to refer to a member of the Grethe & Co Auditors UK or an employee or consultant with equivalent standing and qualification