From: Ahmed Sayid <>
Reply-To: Ahmed Sayid <>
Date: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 22:43:12 +0900 (JST)
Subject: Dear Sir
Dear Sir
Greetings in the name of the almighty God
My Name is Ahmed Timta Sayid the only child of Mr.Hakeem Sayid we are originally from Sudan,
In brief, my father was an Oil merchant and a contractor in Syria for so many years He married a Syrian, During the beginning of the crisis in Syria we relocated back to Africa in Cote d`Ivoire, My father told me and my mother his interest in exporting cocoa and rubber products to Europe and Asia as it is of high demand there.
After his conclusion, My father on that faithful day went to Syria on a business discussion and was involved in a bomb blast incident in a Railway Station in Syria, He never returned to us.
On the outbreak of this sudden death my mother took ill and has been in a bad state until few months ago she died of a prostate Cancer and high blood pressure.
Before my mother`s death she told me in confidence in her sick bed of my father`s deposit of a sum totaling Seven Million, Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars in one of the vaults with central bank of Cote d`Ivoire,
She gave me the lodgment receipt which i have already confirmed with the bank
Now i have a problem, As the next of kin to this money i need to move the funds to a trusted hands abroad to avoid me loosing this money based on Syrians reputation and sanctions. I have no one to help me here after the death of my mother I am all alone in this French land
Please i need your help to assist me get the money out from the bank to your country or any safe place, Secondly to get me over to your country so that i will start a new life like every other child i am only 17 years and will turn 18 by June next year.
Please, this transaction is no joke but i need someone whom i can trust or call my own parent.
If you want to assist me kindly send to me my your full names and address, private telephone. Once i hear from you i will introduce you to the bank so that you make contact with them on the transfer please all i need is your trust I hope to hear from you
Yours sincerely
Ahmed Sayid