From: South Africa Anglo Gold Corporation <>
Reply-To: South Africa Anglo Gold Corporation <>
Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 15:02:22 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: Your Urgent Assistance
From: Mr. Wiseman NkuhluDirector Project Implementation
SouthAfrica Anglo Gold Corporation.Tel: +27 73 563 9506Email:                                    Sir,I write you this mail in anticipation that you will understand anddeem it strictly confidential for you personally. Permit me to introduce mybusiness proposal to you. I am Mr. Wiseman Nkuhlu, Director ProjectImplementation with South African Anglo Gold Corporation, South Africa and amember of the Contract Tenders Board (CTB) of the above corporation. Yourcontact was reliably introduced to me from the South African Chamber ofCommerce and Industry in my search for a reliable, individual/company who can handlea strictly confidential transaction, which involves the transfer of areasonable sum of money to a foreign account. During our routine financial inspection, I discovered a dormantfund amounting to US$16M, (Sixteen Million United States Dollars). On furtherinvestigation; I also discovered that this fund was mapped out by the formerboard as a contract payment to Late Dr. George Brumley Jr, an American Citizen.He died in Plane crash with the entire family, leaving no beneficiary to thisfund, news at Against this back drop, I am searching for a capable and trustworthy Foreign   partner to receive this fund as thebeneficiary / Next of Kin to Late Dr. George Brumley Jr. I have worked out themodalities and technicalities so that this fund can be claimed in any of oursix clearing house without any hitch into any nominated foreign account forsharing or partnership business investment. All I require is your honestco-operation and I guarantee you that this transaction will be executed under alegitimate arrangement and no government involvement at all.However, I would want to believe that you are honest enough andwill not raise any misgiving attitude in any aspect of the transaction, moreimportantly, that you will keep this transaction very confidential so as not totarnish the confidence reposed on these officials by the Government of SouthAfrica. If this proposal is of interest to you, kindly call or notify me withthe above phone number or email immediately, stating 1. Your Full name, 2. Age, 3. Telephone number, 4. Occupation or Position held in your company. I will provide you with the   detail about the processesfor the claim. For your good cooperation and support in this venture,  it wasunanimously agreed that 30% of the total sum will be given to you,60% will be for us while 10% will be use to reimburse the expenses that will beincurred in the processing of this transfer. I wait your urgent reply   Kind Regards, Mr. Wiseman Nkuhlu