From: "DR.ERNEST EBI" <>
Reply-To: "DR.ERNEST EBI" <>
Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 19:02:02 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: Dear Sir or Madam
Confirm receipt of your US$8.5 million payment Foreign Reserve Escrow Account Office
Lagos, Nigeria
Dear Sir or Madam
This is to bring to your notice that this office has taken over all the money transaction originating from all debts
owed by African countries as Contract Payment, Fund Inheritance or Lottery Winning due to inability of other
financial Institutions and Security companies in releasing such funds due to Fraud, Terrorism and Money Laundry
activities going on in the global world .
The UNITED NATIONS has Mandated Foreign Reserve Escrow Account office to release funds to beneficiaries through
our Correspondence Bank and we have collected some payments files from these other banks hence this information to you.
We discovered that some of these beneficiaries are not aware of these payment hence some officials are trading in
international stocks with the funds. All the atm-cash issued out without the consent of this office has been blocked therefore any payment you are making in this regard is on your risk.
For details on how to receive your funds, you are required to re-confirm the following information:-
1. Full Name:
2. Your address
3. Telephone including cell-phone:
4. Country
Thanking you for Your Cooperation.
Yours Faithfully,
Director,Reserve Escrow Account Office
Central Bank