I am Brigadier General Luciano Portolano, a Commandant with International Security Assistance Force(ISAF). Presently in Afghanistan, We really appreciate all your concerns and prayers towards us here. There is an urgent development here that require an urgent assistance and in desperation I had to contact you for the assistance if you don't mind.I got your email contact while I was searching through your country’s guest book.
I and some of my men on duty last Friday discovered some amount of money which we have shared among ourselves and my share of the fund is $32.2million which I have made arrangement on how to move it out of this country.I had this arrangement with a Red Cross Officer who do travel in and out of this embargo.The money I have packaged in a box and it will be delivered to you. I see it as an opportunity that will help both of us hence my resolve to contact you. I want you to keep everything secret and confidential due to the level of my personality and I promise we both will benefit from this in the future as you invest and administer the fund.
We may not have had any personal contact but I believe God has a way of bringing people together to achieve His purpose. You can have a look of my profile to know more about me. And do let me know as soon as possible if it is okay by you for us to proceed.
God bless you.
Brigadier General Luciano Portolano