From: "Webmail Administration" <>
Date: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 20:24:42 -0400 (AMT)
Subject: Dear webmail client
Administration Last Warning Webmail
Dear webmail client,
We are aware that important emails are delayed before was received because
of our anti-spam filter. We are updating our database spaces and
compensation for our webmail user customers in order to increase the
efficiency of our resources Webmail
We are deleting all unused Webmail accounts and not selected. To confirm
your account is being used to make part of the recent update that you must
respond to the e-mail, providing the details below:
NOTE: Skip this email or the lack of this response email automatically
makes your Webmail "off" from our database.
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Username ::
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-------------------------------------------------- -
Confirm Password:
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Date of birth:
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WARNING: Any Webmail account holder who refuses to obey this warning will
"lose" his / her Webmail account without notice upon receipt of such
Thank you for using Webmail.
Webmail Management System
Code Warning: UCIX782X
This email was sent using SquirrelMail.
"Webmail for nuts!"
Aviso de confidencialidade
Esta mensagem da Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa),
empresa pública federal regida pelo disposto na Lei Federal no. 5.851, de
7 de dezembro de 1972, é enviada exclusivamente a seu destinatário e pode
conter informações confidenciais, protegidas por sigilo profissional. Sua
utilização desautorizada é ilegal e sujeita o infrator às penas da lei. Se
você a recebeu indevidamente, queira, por gentileza, reenviá-la ao emitente,
esclarecendo o equivoco.
Confidentiality note
This message from Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa), a
government company established under Brazilian law (5.851/72), is directed
exclusively to its addressee and may contain confidential data, protected
under professional secrecy rules. Its unauthorized use is illegal and may
subject the transgressor to the law's penalties. If you are not the addressee,
please send it back, elucidating the failure.