From: gilbert Chikowore <>
Date: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 15:00:58 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: Please can you be trusted with this information?
My dear,
Excuse me please!
It is with due respect, trust and humanity, I write this mail to seek yourassistance. Although it may be an embarrassment since we have not met before.Anyway, I believe that you'll understand my plight after going through my mail.
My name is Gilbert Chikowore, Iâm 18years old and the son of Mr. EnosChikowore, the Zimbabwean former Minister for Transport who is also abusiness-man and politician, in the Zimbabwean political arena.
My Father was the famous politician who stood firm against President RobertMugabeâs idea of continuous fight in the seizure of white owned farms and thedistribution of it to the blacks without compensation to the white owners.
Because of my fathersâ sincerity, he was killed by a planned motor accidentalong Mashonal in Western Mashona Province of Zimbabwe. The planners of theaccident are Soldiers, suspected to have the backing of the Government andPresident Mugabe himself.
When this accident occurred at about 10:15am Zimbabwean time, my father did notdied on the spot. Rather he was rushed to Harare hospital by some people ofgood heart. He managed to send for me because my mother is no more. When Irushed to the hospital, he secretly called me to his bedside and explained hiscondition and again about his vital documents which is meant for his politicalcampaign in the next election. Also he mentioned a sum of seven million Britishpounds sterling (GBP £ 7000,000) which he deposited in a Storage-house with afreight forwarding and clearing services firm in Accra the capital of Republic ofGhana, West Africa. He said he used my name as his only son, as the next of kinin depositing the money. And finally, He instructed me to leave Zimbabweimmediately for my safety and seek for a foreign partner in any Country of mychoice where I will transfer this money and use it for investment purpose, suchas real estate management.
My escape was not easy, but I successfully left and arrive in Kumasi Ghana WestAfrica. This country has an existing law which banned asylum seekers/refugeeslike me not to operate a bank account that exceeded (GBP £2000). Again I ameighteen 18 years old, I am scared of travelling to Accra Ghana to claim themoney because it may raise eyebrows. I am therefore, writing to seek for yourhelp concerning this inheritance, for it to be secured and transfer out of thisCountry and use as my father advised.
Well, as for your reward for assisting me, we shall talk about it as we startcommunicating. I have it in mind to continue my education in your country underyour guidance. Please, if you find it in your heart to help me, reach me on myemail address.
Bear it in mind that I'll not have rest of mind until my life and myinheritance are secured. If I may ask; I hope my life and the inheritance willbe safe when I get into your Country?
Hoping to hear from you as soon as possible.
Best regards.
Gilbert Chikowore.