Having reviewed all the obstacles/delay surrounding the remittance of your funds into your account, we have been contacted by
African ECOBANK to create an online account on your favor. Where your total funds amounted to 8.3 Million USD will be
uploaded, and today the online account has been created. But to make an online withdrawal you need to provide to us with $83
Access Tax Security code fee (ATSCF) VERY IMPORTANT:
In bid of all African Nation to offset all outstanding payments before the end of 2014, I wish to inform you that your
payment has been referred to our Cambodia institution for immediate approval/release through online, subject to
constitution of 1989 Voll 3 CAP 7.
Take note, that all African Government Agencies and Officials, including Court of Justice (tribunal) and the debt
reconciliation committee or otherwise have been ordered to stop any form of communications with beneficiaries until we
complete the formalities and recommend payment.
The same way, all beneficiaries have been warned to stop any form of communication with these African officials hence all
payments will be recommended and made through CB Cambodia.
Very important, any correspondence from any officials should be forwarded to our office here for proper verification. Take
note, any failure to follow this warning might earn the beneficiary payment suspended which may lead to final cancellation
Mrs Naomi C Muteteka
Email: harrygold205@yahoo.co.jp