From: "MR. KEN RAYMOND" <>
Reply-To: "MR. KEN RAYMOND" <>
Date: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 00:23:14 +0900 (JST)
Attention Dear!!
This is to bring to your notice that I have successfully registered your ATM CARD valued the sum of $7.5 Million with FEDEX Express Courier Company this morning with registration code of (DCJKT00678G), and the card has been signed and was approved by the Federal Ministry of Justice Republique Du Benin . Therefore, Contact FEDEX Company with your delivery information such as, Full name, Current residential address, a copy of any legal ID, Nearest airport, Direct and office Telephone Number.
Please, contact them with the above mentioned information because we agreed up that the delivery of your ATM Card package will commence tomorrow morning. So like I said earlier, do not fail to reconfirm to the FEDEX Courier director Dr. Frank Bryan with your full information where your Card will be delivered.
However below is the FEDEX Courier Service information where to contact them and furnish to them the above mentioned information.
Contact Person: Frank Bryan, Director.
Company Name: feDEX Courier Service
Position: Foreign Delivery Department.
Address: 52 BP 1222 Dodomey Gbato, Plot8, Ahmed Way Victoria Island, Republic Of Benin
Finally, The amount in your Card is US$7.5Million and your Pin code is: (0689).I sincerely apologize for contacting you very late; it was due to some prevailing circumstances beyond my control. I am out of the country for investment project. I instructed feDEX Courier not to carry on the dispatch until you contact them to avoid wrong delivery. I supposed to contact you last week, but I was very busy.
Keep me posted once you receive your Consignment Box.
Best regards,
Yours faithfully,
Mr. Ken Raymond
CEO Inter-switch
Technology Company (ITC).