This is to notify you that your US$15.5Million has been deposited with ANZ Bank in Australia , on your behalf as compensation/ accrued interest of the money you lost in scam / illegitimate transactions of different degrees . The IMF Auditors conveyed sitting America for Second quarter supervising excise of payment of foreign beneficiaries. This supervision excise were part of the agreement reached and signed at the last G-8 meeting held in Washington between the UN,IMF,US Government and Ministry of Finance. Your compensation will be cleared according to the global financial policy through bank legal department.
You are hereby advice to contact ANZ Bank For your online bank account details, and make sure you abide with their instructions and do provide them with every detail they may ask of you, to enable them finalize your online wire transfer (OWT) particulars to enable you commence transfer of your Funds to any designated bank account of your wish.
Finally. You will receive your compensation if you abide by this legitimate instructions, please disregard from any other transactions you have at the moment because is fraud , it does not exit, accept this compensation if you really want to recover whatever you lost in the past and also receive your approved compensation already in progress with international legal clearances CONTACT DETAILS 833 Collins Street Docklands, Melbourne, Australia
Tel. +61 2 8607 8633
Fax: +61 2 8520 3760
Contact person – Michael Green Field Yours' Faithfully
Mr Godon Pirrez
Coordinating officer
Tel: (+33) 1 79993155
Fax: (+33) 4 72 44 71 63