From Miss Catherine Koffi
Abidjan Cote D'Ivoire
West Africa
I am Catherine Koffi the only daughter of Mr& Mrs William Koffi, It is sad to say that he passed away mysteriouslyof my parent in France during one of his business trips abroad year 25th.Febuary 2008.Though his sudden death was linked or rather suspected to have been master minded by an uncle of his, who travelled with him at that time. But God knows the truth. My mother died when I was just 6 years old,and since then my father took me so special.
Before his death on Febuary 25 2008 he called the secretary who accompanied him to the hospital and told him that he has the sum of Seven Million,seven hundred thousand United State Dollars.(USD$7.700,000) left in a security company inside two metalic box. He further told him that he deposited the money in my name,and finally issued a written instruction to his lawyer whom he said is in possession of all the necessary but legal documents to this fund under the security company.
Note that the security company where my late Father made the deposit does not know that the consignment depositing under their custody contains money my late father declare the content to the security company as containing family valuables for security reasons.
I am just 19 years old and an university undergraduate and really don't know what to do.
The death of my father actually brought sorrow to my life and i wished to investe under your care please.
1. Can you honestly help me?
2. Can I completely trust you? .
sincere regards,
Miss Catherine Koffi