Hello Friend,
Am happy meeting you online and i do believe it is God who made it possible for me to meet with you for friendship and business partnership with you.I know my message comes to you as a great surprise but i want you to feel free with me because i have desirable future plans together with you.I really wish to have you as my good friend/partner and wishes to hand over my funds to you for investments on trust. I will be sending to you my photos and my identity scan copy in my next mail so you will see how i look like and also know more about me.
It is will be very important if we know each other more for mutual trust between us so want to use this opportunity to tell you about myself,I am Sergeant Sharon T.Benson USA Army ,single,loves traveling and swimming, still serving in US army ,my address in USA is Van Ness Avenue Westward San Jose -California -United States of America but i was serving in USA Victory Base Baghdad but was posted to work as Security attached with United States of America Embassy Baghdad-Iraq.
I made total sum of Nine Million,Five Hundred thousand usdollars( $9.5 Million US dollars) which I packaged inside a metal box as family valuable items before i successfully moved it out of Iraq to Universal Logistics Company for Safe Keeping and now i want I and You to use the funds for investments, I need a foreigner who is reliable and trusted for life time partnership so this is reason why i have contacted you.I will explain more to you on my next mail how i made this funds through oil business i transacted in Iraq during my service years in Port of Umm Qasr.
The most important thing is ''' Can We Trust each other?,If yes ....Then am offering you 30% share of the total funds while we use the rest 70% for our investments meanwhile i want all investments to be manage and control by you on my behalf and i will be coming to meet with you later in future when i have my holidays, you should indicate your interest on this investment plans so i will give to you more details on my next mail.
Note: that the whole process is very simple and we must keep our transaction confidential and keep a low profile at all times and i want all our communications to remain on emails for now.I look forward to your reply and co-operation.
May God Bless us,